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Category Archives: Debt Negotiation


Is Debt Settlement Worth It?

By Bentz Holguin Law Firm, LLC |

If bankruptcy is off the table, then yes, debt settlement is worth it. Some people don’t qualify for Chapter 7 because their income is too large and/or they don’t qualify for Chapter 13 because they have too much debt. Chapters 7 and 13 have some informal filing requirements as well. Other debtors have crippling… Read More »

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Is it Possible to Negotiate Credit Card Debt?

By Bentz Holguin Law Firm, LLC |

Yes, it’s possible to negotiate credit card debt without going to court and without filing bankruptcy. That’s good news for many Americans. In 2023, Americans used credit cards for nearly a third of their purchases. With interest rates exceeding 20 percent, at least in most cases, this strategy isn’t sustainable for long. Options are… Read More »

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FAQs About Debt Settlement Negotiation

By Bentz Holguin Law Firm, LLC |

When debts become overwhelming, a situation that’s increasingly common, bankruptcy is, far and away, the best solution. Debt settlement negotiation is usually the next best thing. Non-bankruptcy debt negotiation cannot stop creditor harassment or protect your assets. But it can help debtors get a fresh start, which is the underlying purpose of a bankruptcy… Read More »

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What is the Average Consumer Debt Per Person?

By Bentz Holguin Law Firm, LLC |

Since 2020, the average consumer debt per household has increased to over $100,000. Even a slight increase tremendously impacts families who live hand to mouth. Even more troubling, in 2021, prices increased faster than wages. When that happens, something’s gotta give. That “something” is usually credit card payments and, in many cases, home mortgage… Read More »

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What You Should Know About Non-Bankruptcy Debt Settlement

By Bentz Holguin Law Firm, LLC |

In August 2023, for the first time in history, Americans’ credit card debt passed the $1 trillion mark. Some people rack up credit card debt because they overspend. Much more often, people use credit cards to pay living expenses when they lose their jobs, business is slow, or another income disruption arises. Credit cards… Read More »

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What Is Debt Negotiation?

By Bentz Holguin Law Firm, LLC |

Debt negotiation is an effective debt reduction tool that most people should take advantage of. Generally, if your secured and unsecured debt payments exceed a third of your income, these debts are impossible to repay. Something has to give. Several recent Supreme Court decisions have watered down consumer protections in the Fair Debt Collection… Read More »

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